Thursday, May 29, 2008

No Scappin' in the D!

Of course there is no scrapping in the D! It's the playoffs! I am not a huge sports fan but man you've just gotta love it when your teams are in the finals! Between the Red Wings and the Pistons (not to mention the Tigers in LA) I couldn't decide what channel to watch. It was a heart breaking night though. The Wings just couldn't get it going with a 3-2 lose to the Penguins. It was amazing to watch the difference in last night's game compared to the first TWO awesome shut outs. I still think we are bringing the cup back to Hockey town. Maybe next year Penguins. The Pistons got off to a great start but just couldn't pull out another win, they gave up game 5 106-102. Let's hope they can pull out two more wins to advance to the finals. The only good news we had here in Detroit was (surprisingly) the Tigers with a 6-2 victory over the Angels. I must admit that the Tigers are my favorites among all Detroit teams. Baseball just has that nice relaxed American feel about it. I love that you can take bathroom breaks or even slap together some cards while the game is on. I love the sound of the bat hitting the ball and the ump yelling strike! Anyway, I love my teams!

Friday, May 23, 2008

What's on your shoulder?

This is my favorite paper by close to my heart! It's just great colors and great design. It fits me and my little scrappy personality just great. I couldn't wait to put together a super duper fun page with it. Since I just LOVE the paper so much I HAD to pick the cutest story ever.

One afternoon Mikayla and I were shopping for a very important birthday present. A present for a special person who was turning (watch out!) 30! It's hard to shop for these types of presents I know. You could go with the sweet gift, the funny gift, the boring gift I just couldn't decide. Macy's is crammed full of ideas and I sat staring at bags wonder this and pondering that. I was lost in the gaze of the beautiful detailing of Kate spade and the fun new prints by fossil when I realized Mikayla wasn't at my side nagging me to hurry up. I quick turn around and see her bright eyes staring at the make-up counter covered with beautiful rows of lipstick. I calmly walk over to Mikayla and say (very sweetly) "Honey, don't touch those." Next thing I know Mikayla turns around very seriously and says to me. "I know. The Devil he sits on this shoulder and he tells me to touch them, but God he sits on this shoulder and tells me what I should do and I listen to God" Very proudly she turns back around and continues to stare. "Hum" I think to myself. That was interesting.

So there it is cute pictures, cute story, cute paper.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Delight in Undies

I've said it before and I am sure I'll be saying it again and again, "kids do the silliest things!" On this bright and beautiful day I was chatting on the phone with my totally awesome scrapping friend Laura. After awhile I realized that Gavin was being very quiet. When children are being quiet it can only me two things, they are either sleeping or they are getting into trouble. I started peeking in the rooms to find that little guy. I open the door to find him covered in undies. I am not sure what he was thinking, why he thought it would be fun or what purpose it would serve him but he had put on , all at once, every pair of undies in his room. I quick ran and got the camera.( No way was I missing this moment) The whole time telling Laura what was happening. After a few seconds Gavin must have realized that he had done SOMETHING so he tried to get all the undies off as quick as possible. I think he must have been embarrassed. Once the undies were all off I found that he also had on THREE pairs of pull ups. I didn't write down the exact number but it was in the range of 15 to 20 pairs of undies. What a goof! It was the funniest thing. I just love kids. So, these pictures have been laying around my scrap room for almost a year. I like keeping these silly things laying around to give me a good laugh during my "blue" days. Picking them up to get a good laugh and then setting them aside to do another day, with another paper or whatever excuse I have at that time. It is finally there day to be done and to join the rest of the pages in Gavin's So Silly Album. What a sweet heart he is to have just a delight in (his) undies!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Firecracker. A term I think of only during the few weeks leading up to the forth of July. Even then Firework is a more appropriate least here in Michigan. Firecracker is not a term I would EVER use to describe someone's personality. So you can imagine my surprise when it was directed at me. What are you talking about I hear you all asking! When did this absurdity happen? Who would call YOU a firecracker... and what on earth does it mean? The story of the Kelly Firecracker started over a week ago. I stood up as a bridesmaid in my friends wedding (let's all clap our hands for Mike and Stephanie! Yeah!) I was dancing, being silly and having a splendid time! The wedding was a blast great DJ, fun people and plenty of my favorite drinks. The brides and groom's family and friends were all friendly and adorable. Between joking with the bridesmaids, dancing with the my sorority sisters, chatting with the hubby and being introduced to the groomsmen (who were all from out of town) I came off as a firecracker. I know it still makes me giggle too. Speaking of giggle I think I am adding firecracker to my list of all time favorite words! So WHO decided to give me a if I don't have enough of those! Let me tell you, it came from this self proclaimed southern gentlemen who happened in my way as we were hopping partners during the last dance. ( My Mr. handsome aka Matthew was Off talking without me! I know it's amazing) So he starts laughing at me, I swear I don't dance THAT badly. Then proceeds to call me a firecracker. What a silly thing to call a person, I thought. I am SO NOT a firecracker...who uses the term firecracker anyway? It must be a southern thing...right? What a silly little word. I still can't get over it. So WHAT is a firecracker... when applied to a person. I am not sure. I would think it would be someone who gets fired up and then blows there top off. I don't think I'm like that, apparently I am wrong. Well, either wrong about the definition or wrong in my judgement of myself. Anyway It's been a little over a week and that comment still cracks me up. What a firecracker I am!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Scrapping again.

Here is a cute little page of that sweet baby. I used the left over paper from my Fun shine page. As many of you know babies love to chew on stuff. Peyton decided that a ribbon round was the perfect item. Naughty baby that's Mommy's!

I want to drive

Look at that sweet little face. He just cried and cried to get into Gavin's race car. Gavin finally gave in and this is the look that happened. I think it says..."I told you so"

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What a weekend!

Yeah for Stephanie and Mike! They decided to tie the knot this weekend and the wedding was awesome. Loved the DJ, tasty food and lots of fun people to mingle and dance with. Poor me my so sweet hubby forgot to put a memory card in the camera so I have no photos (boohoo). But a nice little lady decided to send out a link to the photographers blog click Here to take a peek at the beautiful bride and her adorable groom