I am not even going to begin to explain the others reason's my week was so bad. Lets just say that every time I turned around something else was in my way. The one thing that has really just topped off my stellar week is that I lost my camera. (SIGH) I will admit that I hated that thing. I was so over the less then wonderful pictures, the huge size and the sticking of the controls. What breaks my heart is that I video taped Gavin's Preschool graduation and now it is gone. His preschool picnic gone. Gavin and Peyton building a house in the bathroom gone. I lost those precious memories of him and his best buddy and I can never get them back. Not only did I lose the memories of Gavin I couldn't take pictures of Peyton helping Matt screw in the new sub floor last night. It was a touching, funny and adorable Peyton moment and all I could do was sit and watch and steam that I didn't know where my camera was. The big question is where did my camera go. The last place I remember it was in my car after the graduation. Now combine that with my forgetfulness of leaving the car unlocked and my current residence and I am pretty sure someone else is pretty disappointed that they grabbed a camera that looks great from the outside but can barely take a good picture. (Due to the fact that a little over a year ago I just happened to leave it out in the rain!) So until I can convince my hubby that I deserve a new one or I just go behind his back and buy one anyway bare with me!
1 comment:
ahh what a bummer, i think i would be lost with out my camera...
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